Jumping to Conclusions

God’s Word: I Corinthians 4:1-21   (The Message)

God’s Message to me: (My interpretation of what God is saying in these verses)

You’d do better jumping for your health rather than jumping to conclusions.  jump to conclusionsSadly, I see many lives destroyed by those who have jumped to conclusions about what they said or did.  There is no way you can ever have all the evidence so how can you come to a conclusion worth passing on?  You can’t yet you keep passing judgment and passing the word around.  Gossip destroys lives and is a huge waste of your time.  What do you gain by passing on condemnation of others?  You harm yourself as much as you harm others when you gossip.

Let me be the judge please!  Your job is to be an encourager and peace maker.  As you judge so will you be judged by Me.  Instead of looking for fault, look for the good in others.  When you pass on gossip I take that treatment personally—just as though you were bad-mouthing Me.  So always be on the lookout for the good and be sure and compliment others as much as possible.  In doing so you will bring out the good in them.  Don’t be so everlastingly eager to condemn others and to share your opinion with others.  It is blasphemy!

Therefore, when you make judgments, do not jump to conclusions.  And keep your judgments to yourself.  If you feel you need to avoid a person or a situation do so but still be kind and supportive.  There are enough people eager to tell others what they are doing wrong.  No one wants to hear that.  Instead, if the situation warrants, take the time to kindly let your feelings known without rejecting or condemning the person involved.  Look for every possible shred of good in others and highlight it before even others.  Overcome evil with good.

God’s Question: Do you judge others as you wish Me to judge you?

God’s Promise: I will judge with justice and mercy.

My Prayer to God:

I Praise You for this reminder to not condemn others.

I am Sorry I way too often pass on gossip.

Thank You for being merciful with me.

Please Help Me be merciful with others as unto You.

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