19-The Fingerprints of God

God’s Word: Psalms 19

God’s Attribute: (11)  God’s Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure.

God’s message to me:

My creation is an extension of me and displays my fingerprints.  I have lovingly created the whole universe for the benefit of mankind—even down to the little critters you can’t even see but are so valuable to life continuing.  The more you learn about the world around you, the more you have learned about Me—whether people acknowledge Me or not.  Everything I have created has my fingerprint on it–it can’t be repeated by anyone else.  A simple example is lycopene found in watermelons.  It can’t be made by mankind.

If it weren’t so sad it would be almost funny, the way evolutionists claim all these wonders came about by millions of years of changing for the “better.”  If you look around you the only changing you see happen are decay, not creating.  (Have you looked in the mirror lately?)

Wherever you look you see the fingerprints of my creation.  Mankind is without excuse for believing in me when I give them clues every single day.  In addition to showing you the marvels of the universe, I wrote it all down so you could refer to it again and again—in the Bible.  And because I know humans have a hard time understanding the things of God, I myself interact with your intellect as you read from the Bible. In my World and in my Word I warn you of danger, to protect you, and direct you to the hidden treasure so that your life will be filled to overflowing with joy and peace.

I have left you without excuse.  You cannot get away from my presence and my influence because you are walking on my soil and breathing my air and living inside a body I created.  I did it all for you because you are My treasure!

God’s question for me:

Now that you have found the treasure will you share it with others?

God’s promise to me:

In appreciating My creation and sharing it with others there is great reward.

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