What Determines Fair?

God’s Word: Matthew 17:24-27

God’s Message to me: (My interpretation of what God is saying in these verses)

You ask “God—why isn’t life fair?”  life isn't fairYour pain is often another’s gain. Your gain is often another’s pain.  For life to be fair in your opinion would be unfair in another’s opinion.  I put into place the laws of nature that sustain your life on planet earth.  Break those laws and you end up in trouble.  I do not predetermine your injuries and death but I am aware that you are headed for trouble when I observe your behavior.

Are you sure you really want life to be fair?  I’ve heard many people admit they don’t really deserve the good things they have received.  If life was fair they would not have gotten that which they didn’t deserve.  If you willingly take the good that flows your way, you must also accept the adverse circumstances.  Life ebbs and flows.  It begins and it ends.  Who are you to be a judge of what is or is not fair?

As one of My children, you are a special “kind” of person.  Your Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  Should you be subjected to the laws of the land since I am the owner of all the land?  Should you pay taxes to a government that is corrupt and uses your money to fund projects that are in direct contrast to My Word?  Well, in a word—yes!  To continue to enjoy the benefits of living in this land you must pay the price—pay your taxes.

God’s Question: Will you accept both life’s sunshine  and its rain with a joyful heart?

God’s Promise: I provide the sun and the shade, the rain  and the rainbow to sustain My creation.

knee mail

My Prayer to God

I praise You for being with me through all of life’s challenges.

I am sorry I ever wasted a moment worrying about tomorrow.

Thank You for giving me so much more than I deserve.

Help me serve as your resource as others are in need.

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