Happy All The Time!

God’s Word:  Matthew 5:8  “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart put right.  Then you can see God in the outside world.”

Jesus’ Message to Me: (My interpretation of what Jesus is saying to me through these verses)

Everyone longs for enduring happiness.  They turn life into the pursuit of happiness by trying first this, then that, running here, running there, experimenting with this and that, always searching.  Happiness always seems to be just around the next corner.  But happiness is not “out there somewhere.”  Happiness, true happiness, is the result of getting your inside world, your mind and your heart—put right with God.

Happiness can be yours in any circumstance. Happiness does not depend upon what is happening in your outside world.  It is a matter of who is on the throne of your heart.  Self on the throne is always searching for that elusive happiness.  I stand at the door of your heart and knock.  To allow Me to enter will be the beginning of the end of your search for outward happiness.

Real and lasting happiness comes from the inside out.  You can tell who is on the throne of your heart by the deeds and actions of your life.  The inward always shows up in the outward.  When you have truly invited Me into your heart it will be evidenced by your treatment of others and how you spend your time and your money.  The eyes of your heart will be opened to see God when you look at His creation and seek to be a blessing instead of being blest.

Jesus’ Question for Me: How about your heart. . . . .is it right with God?

Jesus’ Promise to Me: I have come to give you life and life more abundant.  Happiness is a byproduct of a life put right with God. 

My Song to Jesus:    Happy All The Time

I’m inright [point in], outright [point out],

upright [point up], downright [point down]

Happy all the time [clap with each word]

I’m inright [point in], outright [point out], 

upright [point up], downright [point down]

Happy all the time [clap with each word]


Since Jesus Christ came in

And took away my sin I’m…

I’m inright [point in], outright [point out],

upright [point up], downright [point down]

Happy all the time [clap with each word]

[Repeat faster and faster each time]



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