Wise Investments

Sterling Principle # 16 Proverbs 23:22-25 Listen with respect to the father who raised you, and when your mother grows old, don’t neglect her.  Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight.  Parents rejoice when their children turn out well; wise children become proud parents. So make your father happy!  Make your mother proud! Wise investments are passed on from generation to generation.  The greatest investments can’t be bought with money for they are relational.  The signal that wise investments have been made is in the relationship between parent and child.  As the parent … Continue reading Wise Investments

Frightened and Speechless

Genesis 45:  Joseph reveals himself to his betraying brothers. Lessons for Living Today: The one who harms another hopes to never meet them again.  When Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers it was with great sobbing.  Emotions ran high for all of them.  The brothers were simply speechless to think standing before them in a position of great power was the one they once sought to get rid of by selling into slavery.  Can you imagine the thoughts running through their minds?  “He’s going to kill us” was probably their first thought.  But then Joseph said something that shocked … Continue reading Frightened and Speechless

The Value of Stories

God’s Word: Matthew 13:1-23 God’s Message to me: (My interpretation of what God is saying in these verses) Nearly everyone enjoys a good story.  A story grabs your attention and is memorable.  Recall the story—recall the take-away.  Jesus told many stories that had great take-away value.  In the story in this passage He tells about the four kinds of listeners. In one ear—out the other Listens enthusiastically—forgets quickly Too preoccupied to even comprehend the story Listens intently—applies the teaching The value of story-telling is to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight.  The story draws a picture in … Continue reading The Value of Stories

Benefits Galore

God’s Word:  Proverbs 8: 1-36 God’s Message to Me: Benefits “out of this world” are offered to all.  I’m eager to help you live at your best but the choice is entirely up to you.  My benefits are worth more than a big salary, even a very big salary.  The returns on My benefits exceed any imaginable bonus. I eagerly hand out life to those who love Me, filling their arms with life, armloads of life. You will find My benefits on righteous road at the intersection of justice avenue.  I give you both insight and the virtue to live … Continue reading Benefits Galore