Who is in the Driver’s Seat?

God’s Word: Mark 8:27-38 God’s Message to me: (My interpretation of what God is saying in these verses) Who is calling the shots in your life?  That is entirely under your control. The one in charge of your life was placed there by you.  Don’t go pointing fingers of blame at anyone or anything else.  You are what and who you are because of the choices you have made.  Yes, you chose your lot in life.  Perhaps you made a big mistake some time ago that altered the path of your life.  Own the mistake and make the best of … Continue reading Who is in the Driver’s Seat?

Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?

God’s Word: Matthew 16:21-28 God’s Message to me: (My interpretation of what God is saying in these verses) Where is your life headed?  What is the driving force behind your decision-making?  Jesus came to earth to reveal a whole different type of living—one that blew the minds of His disciples.  What they said was impossible—He showed was possible and the very direction He was heading. Sometimes the only path to perfection is through pain.   Jesus pain purchased your pardon which gifts you with perfection.  His followers said “no” to His pain but He said “yes” for the sake of all … Continue reading Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?